Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hypothetical Worlds

Humans are confused.
The Government is dark.
The Earth is controversial
The Universe is unknown.

"What a place this is," she thought to herself as a tornado of questions, doubts, and concerns overwhelmed her little mind.
The uneasiness in her stomach brings her to question everyday, "How can we live in such a place where we know nothing?"
"Perhaps that is why Socrates stated that he knows nothing."The more she ponders about our existence and creation, the more she finds that she knows less.

She takes her gaze up to the sky, and whispers "But I know that they're watching us."

Bottoms// Lola Lora X MYVL
Jacket// [esqape]
Shoes// YRU
Harness// Deandri
Socks// Fig & Viper
Choker (on leg)// Desert Moon

Photo// [esqape]

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