Monday, December 21, 2015

Pink & Spaced Out

If you were what to ask, what's my favorite kind of style at this current moment, I'd say its what I've coordinated on this post.
I will break it down item by item.

The pink Claritii shades are frameless, so it has this sick futuristic look to them. Plus anything pink and plastic is my Barbie style.

The hologram top and skirt set is the shiny psychedelic vibe that I love. Its simple because it's a solid color, so it makes it super versitile to coordinate with. Plus I always have my body be shining hehe.

The baby pink jacket has reflective straps on them that light up when there's flash. This is some next level stuff. 

And lastly, the sporty posh new "LaLa" kicks are so white and fresh that it adds the last clean touch to completing the futuristic look. The bejeweled socks give it a cosmic vibe to top it off. 

Top & Bottom// Poprageous
Jacket// [esqape]
Shoes// YRU
Glasses// [esqape]
Socks// Fig & Viper

Photo// @matchapazzi

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lounging in the Clouds

I've always wondered whether or not I would be the same person if I had a different name.
Is it ironic that I love pastel and light colors,
that I like to adorn myself in fuzzy, velvet, and sparkly clothes,
or continuously dream of playing in the clouds?
Or is it not?
Am I biased from the name that I've been given?
Had I been named Lisa, would I still associate myself with the heavenly sky?
I guess it doesn't matter because I love who I am.
I've always felt a close connection to the heavens and vibe with the angels.
I can't imagine myself being anywhere else than up in the clouds.

Jacket// Inu Inu
Bodysuit// iHeartRaves
Glasses// [esqape]
Shoes// YRU
Necklace// The Mermaid Stone
Socks// Fig & Viper

Photo// Louie Knows

Friday, November 20, 2015

Gleaming Towards the Sun

The passion behind her eyes attracts the sun's energy,
and the beams from her lenses display their great synergy.
She is bold and determined in each step taken
that the blazes from the soles of her feet are unmistaken.

She is not the alter ego of I,
for I possess intensity that high.
I am more than meets the eye,
for I am Sky.

Top// Pride Clothing
Shorts// Spinns
Shoes// YRU
Tights// Avantgarde
Glasses// [esqape]
Choker// Nin3
Ring// Desert Moon

Photo// [esqape]

Thursday, November 12, 2015


I had one of the most magical experiences on the set of this project.
I've never visited the Salton Sea or Salvation Mountain before, so I was in awe the second I stepped onto these lands. There was a flush of purity, honesty, and tranquility that rushed under my skin as I inhaled the warm desert air and absorbed the scene. 

I laced my satin pink ribboned shoes, attached my butterfly wings, and fluttered away into my fairytale. 
I never felt so in my element.
And it wasn't just me; I was surrounded by all of my inspiring friends who were embracing their own unearthly spirits. 
We vibed out of this dimension and into many different worlds, all feeding off energies from each other. We sparked fireworks, played with psychedelic tarot cards, danced under the infinite stars, and soared in the turbulent midnight wind. 
It was beyond living,
and luckily, we were able to capture those raw moments. 

My soul needed the ΞSQAPΞ.
I needed this experience to realize that I am more to the person that I took for granted.
I discovered my mystical being, and pulled her up with me.

Everyone needs an ΞSQAPΞ.
Here is mine:



KARi MiCHELLE @karixmichelle
LiTTLE TRiBE POW @littletribepow
DiANE ROSSER: @bugoboo
SKY SKY: @sky_sky_
MYNXii WHiTE: @mynxiiwhite
ZABASTiAN: @esq.ape
iZM: @__izm
sergio: @realssm

CAPTURED BY: NAOMi CHRiSTIE @naomichristie
MATTY iCEE @iceematty CHRiSTOPHER JULiAN, JAi ERiC @jai.eye

animations delivered by: PiX3LFACE @pix3lface

JEEE @jee_official, emily frances @yungemilyxx,

styled by: zane @supernovaboi esqape: @esqapez

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cherish Beyond Your Screen

I lost my phone on Sunday when I was at HARD Day of the Dead. The second I noticed that my phone was gone, I knew it was over. The thing was that I had TOO much fun at the festival that I was NOT careful with my belongings.
I was livin it.
I am obsessed with Gesaffelstein, so I knew I was going to be wild… but wasn't expecting to lose my phone.

Anyways, its been about 5 days without a phone, and I feel so off. I was stressing out a lot in the beginning because I can't post anything on social media which means a loss of jobs/ modeling gigs, I can't meet up with any friends, can't use uber, can't take selfies, omg the list goes on…

Then, I thought to myself, there is no reason to bring myself down about this.
I found ways to maneuver the best I can, and I became more in tune with my surroundings. Instead of killing time waiting in the grocery line by texting, I had to just stand in line and be. Its strange how awkward we think just "being" is. People think of it as not doing anything and would see a person as weird when they are just standing still, doing nothing. Thinking and observing IS doing something. 
I made myself think about the things I love and acknowledge all the beautiful things around me. 
Cherish them.
Take a look at the sky...
cherish the clouds~

These new kicks featured in this post are called "Cherish" by YRU.
It fell into my situation almost too perfectly;
It was meant to be.

Shoes// YRU
Top// vintage
Shorts (bottom layer)// Marialia
Choker// Valfre
Leg Harness// Tunnel Vision

Photo// [esqape]

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hypothetical Worlds

Humans are confused.
The Government is dark.
The Earth is controversial
The Universe is unknown.

"What a place this is," she thought to herself as a tornado of questions, doubts, and concerns overwhelmed her little mind.
The uneasiness in her stomach brings her to question everyday, "How can we live in such a place where we know nothing?"
"Perhaps that is why Socrates stated that he knows nothing."The more she ponders about our existence and creation, the more she finds that she knows less.

She takes her gaze up to the sky, and whispers "But I know that they're watching us."

Bottoms// Lola Lora X MYVL
Jacket// [esqape]
Shoes// YRU
Harness// Deandri
Socks// Fig & Viper
Choker (on leg)// Desert Moon

Photo// [esqape]